Saturday 31 May 2008

Personal Object Lessons - Adoption


“Even unto them will I give in mine house and within my walls a place and a name better than of sons and of daughters: I will give them an everlasting name, that shall not be cut off.” Isaiah 56 v 5

Many babies are born into families where their parents celebrate their arrival and they receive an individual name and a family name. Other children have different routes into families. They are adopted into the family and take their new names that way. The child does not make the choice – the choice is made for them. The adults voluntarily take the child as their own. They enter freely into the relationship with that child.

As grown people we can also freely choose to be adopted! We can choose our own family. This does not mean that we abandon our other familial relationships; this means that we have the ability, the power, to choose God as our parent (John 1 v 12).

When we believe in God He gives us the right, the privilege to become His child. Imagine that! The Creator of this world gives me, you, and anyone who chooses to believes in Him, the right and the power to adopt Him as our Father. What an amazing situation. God is all-powerful and He gives us power to choose Him as our family. Through adoption we become likened to a child who was produced directly by God (John 1 v 12). We have a re-birth through belief.

God chose us from the beginning of time (Deut 7 v 6-9) but we have to consciously choose Him for ourselves. He will never force Himself into our lives. All He wants for us is to be reunited in peace. If we believe in what He says and in what He has done for us (John 3 v 15-17) then we can accept and freely enter into a nurturing relationship with Him. It takes faith to believe that God made a plan to reconcile His family. He sees the individual worth of each person. He feels love for each person. He sees the everlasting brilliance and potential of you and me. He wants us to be returned to His family. For this end He willingly sacrificed His only Son to open the way for all His other lost children to return home. What a love! What a God!

There is no comparable offer to join any family anywhere in this world. God has chosen you now He wants you to choose Him. What will you do?

©MHMorgan 2008

Personal Object Lessons - My A – Z … road maps for life

My A – Z … road maps for life

“I am the way…” John 14 v 6

We all need guidance and directions and the advice given is specific depending on where we want to go and what we want to do. The world is full of signposts and arrows pointing us every way. The experience of being lost can be terrifying but there is always hope in the knowledge that we are not the first people to walk without aim.

Jesus says, “I am the way…” (John 14 v 6). The way to what? I have to ask, is this the way I want to go? The answer to the direction is in the second part of the sentence… “I am the way, the truth and the life: no man cometh to the Father, but by me.” (John 14 v 6). Jesus is offering Himself as our true guide to the Father. He says “no man cometh … but by me”: without Him we will not make it to God; Jesus is our means of access to God. He is our road map. He is our complete surety of making it to the required destination. How do we know our journey will be successful with Jesus as a guide? Can we trust Him? He says, “I am the …truth” (John 14 v 6).
As children we learned to trust our guardians, our parents, our siblings because we quickly learned what was true and what was false. With truth came trust that we built on over the years. Unfortunately we all experienced some disappointment as we grew up but never from Jesus. Jesus has never reneged on His promises. God the Father and Jesus the Son made a way for us to be reunited for eternity (John 3 v 16 –17). “…whosoever believeth in him should …have everlasting life” (John 3 v16). The Greek word used in this verse for ‘believeth’ is Pistis – to trust, to have faith in.

When we are driving and get lost we stop at the roadside and ask directions, we believe the word of the passer by without any previous knowledge of them. We follow their directions in full expectation of arriving at our required destination. Jesus comes to us with an impeccable history and personal interest in each one of us reaching our destination: heaven (John 14 v 1-3). Jesus advises s not to worry but to follow His directions and we will never get lost.

“I am the way…” (John 14 v 6). The Greek dictionary describes the ‘way’ as a route by which we make progress on our journey. Jesus has made Himself our roadmap for life. A map to show the way from life in this world to life in eternity (John 14 v 2 –3). We have to make a choice to progress on our journey. Progress is best when it is in the right direction. We can choose to trust Jesus – because He has travelled the road before us or we can make our own roadmap. Each person makes their own choice on which road to travel and the destination is assured in all choices. Which way will you choose today?

©MHMorgan 2008
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